It is important to accurately record your analysis effort for future reference and presentation to your intended recipient. A suggested format for writing FEA Reports is as follows;
Title: Author: Report No: Date: Drawing/Part No:
Summary Briefly summarise the conclusion of the analysis and key findings. This should be similar to the conclusion but short and to the point.
Introduction Describe background information about the analysis.
Objectives Explain what information is required and how this data will be obtained.
Model Details It is useful to reference a means of identification for future traceability such as;
Number of nodes: Number and type of elements: DOF: Type of Analysis: i.e. linear static
Material Data Young's Modulus: Poisson's Ratio: Density: Coefficient of thermal expansion: Yield Strength: Ultimate Tensile Strength: Endurance Limit:
Loads Show with illustrations where and how the load is applied such as force, pressure or heat source.
Constraints Show the locations of constraints and describe the degrees of freedom (DOF).
Results Include pictures of key stress and displacement plots. It is useful to tabulate or graph results when reporting a high number of load cases.
Conclusion Report the key findings of the analysis and confirm if the objectives have been met. Recommendations for product improvement are always welcome.
References List the references used for material data, loads and any hand calculation equations.